The following proposals have been awarded funding from the Strategic Imperative Fund (SIF), based on the recommendations of our SIF Proposal Evaluation Team.

The Center for Faculty Excellence will provide essential support to faculty throughout the arc of their careers, from recruitment to retirement. The initiative will harness a complement of resources designed to advance faculty goals in teaching, research, and service, and to build capacity for academic leadership.

In alignment with Strategic Plan Goal 5, this initiative will empower faculty and staff through professional, career, and development opportunities that are designed to enhance employee wellbeing and success.

This initiative will expedite implementation of our Inclusive Excellence Plan through the creation of an Inclusive Excellence Champions Program, an Inclusive Excellence Diversity Symposium, and educational and workshop opportunities that will strategically enhance our inclusive excellence work.

The Skills Infusion Program will continue our strategic work of bringing industry and higher education together in meaningful collaborations that engage high-wage, high-demand employers in Indiana with our faculty and curriculum.

In alignment with Strategic Imperative 1F, this initiative will enable students to create an experience record that translates their courses, degree programs, co-curricular experiences, and intercollegiate athletic experiences into a clear description of learning outcomes, competencies, and transferrable skills.

Multiple departments in CCIM will collaborate to develop a suite of micro-credentials, learning modules, workshops, and certificates that span six graduate programs. This initiative aligns with Strategic Imperative 2C, targets adult learners who wish to learn new skills, and serves as a model for other colleges to develop similar stackable, cross-departmental, cross-college initiatives.

This initiative will fund a Faculty Fellow for Undergraduate Research to advance multiple strategic imperatives in our strategic plan. This initiative will also foster and support increased opportunities for undergraduate students and faculty to engage in the high-impact practice of undergraduate research.

This initiative will prepare our students for careers in the fast-growing industry of esports. The University will develop curriculum that advances the skills and knowledge needed for this new industry, including animation, computer science, game design, marketing, sports administration, and digital production.

This student-centered initiative strengthens our efforts to identify and serve students with basic needs. This proposal was broadened in scope to reflect the increase in need that students will face due to COVID-19. The initiative is also designed to improve retention rates for high-risk populations.

This initiative will enhance our ability to recruit and retain talented staff and faculty, in alignment with Strategic Imperative 5C of our strategic plan. The initiative will also improve critical processes within Human Resources to increase efficiency and leverage best practices in recruitment and retention.

This initiative will advance Goals 2 and 3 of our Strategic Plan and will strengthen our University’s commitment to support regional vitality, educational attainment, and economic development in East Central Indiana.

The creation of an enterprise-wide CRM is critical to accomplish Goal 5 in our strategic plan, particularly 5H: Our people, processes, technology, policies, and infrastructure are strategically aligned to support academic excellence and enable operational efficiency and effectiveness. This grant supports Phase 1 of this initiative, which focuses on serving adult learners. Our new CRM will streamline communications and business processes, contain costs, and improve the overall University experience. 

About the SIF

Aligning our resources with our University’s strategic plan is an important step toward ensuring its successful implementation.

Our faculty, staff, and administrators continue to actively engage in this process, and the President’s Strategic Imperative Fund provides one-time financial support that inspires the entire University community to answer these questions:

  • What can WE do to help fulfill the University’s mission?
  • What can WE do to live our values?
  • What can WE do to achieve our 2040 goals?
  • What can WE do to carry out our 2024 strategic imperatives?

The intent of this funding initiative was to generate proposals that can make significant contributions to the Strategic Imperatives outlined under the five goals in Destination 2040: Our Flight PathIn addition, proposed initiatives are expected to advance the University’s progress by positively impacting one or more of the Executive Dashboard Metrics and to align with one or more of the Priorities for Action in the college- or division-level Strategic Alignment Plans.

SIF Proposal Evaluation Team

The evaluation team comprises of members of the University Strategic Planning Committee that was appointed by the President in 2018. These individuals will review both pre- and full proposals and provide recommendations to the President.

  • Jennifer Blackmer, Executive Director for Immersive Learning and Virginia B. Ball Center
  • Delaine Boyd, Associate Vice President for Community Engagement
  • Jean Crosby, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Ball State University Foundation
  • Linh Littleford, Professor, Psychological Science
  • James Lowe, Associate Vice President for Facilities Planning and Management
  • Susan McDowell, Vice Provost for Research
  • Jennifer Palilonis, George & Frances Ball Distinguished Professor of Multimedia
  • Ro-Anne Royer Engle, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Sue Hodges Moore, Chief Strategy Officer (Chair)

More Information

For clarification or questions about these guidelines and process, please contact the Chief Strategy Officer Division at