Review Criteria

As stated in the Ball State University Faculty and Professional Personnel Handbook, Section, a faculty member will be evaluated as to whether the faculty member:

  • Helped Ball State University foster a culture of free inquiry, free expression, and intellectual diversity within the University
  • Where relevant and appropriate to the faculty member’s discipline, introduced students to scholarly works from a variety of political or ideological frameworks that may exist within the curricula established by the Board of Trustees of Ball State University under IC 21-41-2-1(b) or the faculty of Ball State University acting under authority delegated by the Board of Trustees of Ball State University
  • While performing teaching duties, refrained from subjecting students to views and opinions concerning matters not related to the faculty member’s academic discipline or assigned course of instruction
  • Continues to show a pattern of achievement in performing academic duties and obligations

As stated in the Ball State University Faculty and Professional Personnel Handbook, Section 36.4.6, a faculty member will be evaluated as to whether the faculty member:

  • Helped Ball State University foster a culture of free inquiry, free expression, and intellectual diversity within the University
  • Where relevant and appropriate to the faculty member’s discipline, introduced students to scholarly works from a variety of political or ideological frameworks that may exist within the curricula established by the Board of Trustees of Ball State University under IC 21-41-2-1(b) or the faculty of Ball State University acting under authority delegated by the Board of Trustees of Ball State University
  • While performing teaching duties, refrained from subjecting students to views and opinions concerning matters not related to the faculty member’s academic discipline or assigned course of instruction
  • Continues to show a pattern of achievement in performing academic duties and obligations

As stated in the Ball State University Faculty and Professional Personnel Handbook, Sections, a faculty member may not be granted tenure or promotion by the institution if, based on past performance or other determination by the board of trustees, the faculty member is:

  • Unlikely to foster a culture of free inquiry, free expression, and intellectual diversity within the institution;
  • Unlikely to expose students to scholarly works from a variety of political or ideological frameworks that may exist within and are relevant and applicable to the faculty member's academic discipline;
  • Likely, while performing teaching duties within the scope of the faculty member's employment, to subject students to political or ideological views and opinions that are unrelated to the faculty member's academic discipline or assigned course of instruction.

Consistent with the Handbook, the following actions may not be considered in determining whether the faculty member has met criteria during review:

  • Expressing dissent or engaging in research or public commentary on subjects
  • Criticizing the leadership of Ball State University
  • Engaging in any political activity conducted outside the faculty member’s teaching duties at Ball State University

Consistent with our statement on Freedom of Expression, and in order to support faculty in meeting this evaluation standard, the University has developed a faculty toolkit on Freedom of Expression, as well as various resources to assist faculty in this work. When being evaluated, faculty may attest to an activity or  effort they undertook to demonstrate they fulfilled this expectation.  For instance, they may:

  • Provide students and members of the community with examples of national, state, and university policies and statements on freedom of expression (e.g., Ball State University’s statement on Freedom of Expression);

  • Refer students and members of the community to speakers and visiting scholars who are speaking on freedom of expression and free inquiry;

  • Recommend students and members of the community attend Constitution Day activities and events;

  • Discuss the value of free inquiry and intellectual diversity with students and members of the community;

  • Refer individuals to resources on Ball State’s website such as our Freedom of Expression page or provide a link on course or other materials;

  • Provide opportunities for dialogue that is respectful and open to all views; or

  • Refer students and members of the community interested on learning more about free inquiry to the resources and information at University Libraries

The University has developed various resources to assist faculty in this work. When being evaluated, faculty my attest to an activity or effort they undertook to demonstrate they fulfilled this expectation.  For instance, they may:

  • When relevant, note, provide links to, or briefly describe alternative scholarly works, when available, that may exist in the established curricula for the student to explore;
  • When relevant, provide a reference to readings curated with collaboration from University Libraries (via a supplemental Reading List or Course Reserve option), on a variety of scholarly works, approaches, and topics in the field that may not be covered overtly in class due to learning goals, course focus, and time restrictions;
  • When relevant, provide a reference to readings on the syllabus or in course materials, on a variety of scholarly works, approaches, and topics in the field that may not be covered overtly in class due to learning goals, course focus, and time restrictions; or
  • When relevant, give an optional or required assignment asking students to provide a diverse perspective, supported by field-acknowledged scholarly works, on a given topic or theory

Ball State University is committed to freedom of expression and inclusiveness, which the University defines as our commitment to respect and embrace equity, inclusion, and diversity in people, ideas, and opinions. Consistent with this value and in order to comply with Indiana law, the University provides a procedure to allow a student or employee of the University to file a complaint if a faculty member has not met the criteria outlined in the Ball State University Faculty and Professional Personnel Handbook, Section

A student or employee making a complaint should follow the established complaint procedure and should file it using the University’s established EthicsPoint portal.  Complaints will then be referred to appropriate human resource professionals and supervisors for review through regular University processes.

If the complaint is deemed to have raised a valid concern regarding the criteria outlined in the complaint procedure and in section of the handbook, the matter will receive consideration in employee reviews and tenure and promotion decisions.

The statute provides:

Nothing in this article may be construed to do the following:

  • limit or restrict the academic freedom of faculty members or prevent faculty members from teaching, researching, or writing publications about diversity, equity, or inclusion or other topics
  • prohibit an institution from considering the subject matter competency of any candidate for employment, reappointment, tenure, or promotion when the subject matter is germane to the candidate’s or faculty member’s field of scholarship
  • prohibit an institution from considering the candidate’s or faculty member’s past contributions, or potential for future contributions, to fostering a culture of intellectual diversity at the institution
  • prohibit an institution from complying with federal requirements to be eligible for federal grants