Dr. Jayanthi Kandiah
<b>Department: </b>Nutrition and Health Science<br><b>Research Area: </b> Research focuses on various aspects of nutrition and health.
Department: Nutrition and Health Science
Research Focus: My research focuses on various aspects of nutrition and health.
- Areas of interest - clinical, preventative, behavioral (stress) and community
- Population includes - diverse groups of children, adults, international, developmental disorders and individuals with disabilities.
Potential Student Project(s):
Project 1: Evaluating the perceptions of university students with physical disability on their observations of biasness and barriers in seeking employment due to their appearance.
Project 2: Using a live poverty simulation, this project will focus on evaluating healthcare students’ perceptions of poverty, a prominent social determinant of health.
Attributes/skills/background sought in undergraduate:
- Ability to search and complie simple data from various databases.
- Assist in collecting and analyzing data from diverse populations.
Mentoring Plan: I am expecting the following from the student which includes:
Project 1
- Gathering and reviewing background information using library resources.
- Assisting in conducting interviews with college students with disabilities.
- Assisting in analyzing interview results.
Project 2
- Assisting with gathering and reviewing background information using library resources.
- Assisting in organizing a live poverty simulation and attending a live simulation event.
- Assisting in analyzing data.
Contact: 765-285-5955, HB 214N, College of Health.