Dr. Jamie Johnson
Dr. Jamie Johnson
<b>Department: </b>Sport Administration<br><b>Research Area: </b>I focus on amateur sport, specifically research on interscholastic and intercollegiate sport. <br>

Department: Sport Administration

Research Focus: I focus on amateur sport, specifically research on interscholastic and intercollegiate sport.

Potential Student Project(s): This project is a follow-up to a 2015 national study of the competitive balance strategies employed by state athletic associations during state championship tournaments. Policies such as separate playoffs for public and private schools, private school multipliers, and tournament success factors are some of the many strategies implemented by state associations to ensure high school students have a relatively fair chance to win. Students would assist with collecting data on interscholastic (high school) policies throughout the U.S. to identify trends in the data. Data collection and analysis skills, as well as knowledge of policy development and implementation, would be outcomes of student participation. 

Attributes/skills/background sought in undergraduate: 

-Use of library resources (databases) to identify relevant literature related to interscholastic competitive balance

-Strong digital skills, especially search skills to help identify state association policies

-Dependable -Good organization skills

Mentoring Plan: Students will work 5 h/week on the project. Most of the project will be independent work, but weekly 1/hr meetings with the faculty mentor will occur. The bulk of the work would include finding interscholastic competitive balance policies and recording data into a database while comparing to prior data. After data is collected students will assist with data analysis and writing of a manuscript to present the data. Part of regular meetings would include education about the research process including design, data collection, data analysis, and manuscript construction. Depending on the student's goals and abilities, assistance with developing the manuscript would be included.  

Contact: 765 285-0044, 322 Health Professions Building