The Purchasing Services Office supports the university's commitment to the promotion of diversity with the vendors who supply goods and services to the university by focusing on securing business contracts with firms identified as minority, women, and veteran owned businesses.
Our Mission Statement
To become a vendor for Ball State University, send your W-9 to Purchasing Agent
Branden Roberts
The Ball State Diversity Spend Task Force Team was created to ensure a cultivating and supporting environment continues throughout the campus community with innovations and optimism when partnering with minority, women, and veteran-owned businesses within the surrounding community and beyond. The Purchasing Office will foster cost-effective, quality purchases of goods and services to university customers by using the expertise of all staff involved with purchasing throughout the university and by employing innovative methods in contract negotiations and buying initiatives.
Becoming State Certified
The Indiana Department of Administration (IDOA- an agent of the Indiana government) only recognizes their own certification. To become state certified, please go to their website to start the process. This certification recognizes that your business is truly a minority, women, or veteran owned company, and increases your opportunity for money spent by universities.
East Central Indiana Small Business Development Center provides free assistance through the certification process.
Who To Contact
Our Purchasing Agents are here to help you:
Chris Portillo
Purchasing Agent
- Marketing Services
- Athletics Equipment, Supplies
- Electronics
- Medical Equipment, Supplies
- Office and School Supplies
- Janitorial - Supplies, Services, Equipment
Branden Roberts
Purchasing Agent
- Electronic Equipment Supplies and Services
- Wire/Cable Bulk
- Copiers/MFP Equipment and Supplies
- Security Equipment and Supplies
- Hardware
- Tools
- Shredders-Services, and Equipment
- Vehicles
- Appliances
June Sanders
Senior Purchasing Agent
- Architect & Engineering Services
- Machinery - Commercial and Industrial
- Construction
- Furniture
- Ball State University Logo - Clothing, Promotional
- Clothing - Uniforms, Shoes
Kevin Jarnagin
Assistant Director of University Dining Purchasing
- University Dining and Catering
Our Efforts and Strategy
The Indiana Department of Administration sets goals for diversity spending for universities which are adjusted at the end of each 5 yr. disparity study.
Tier I and Tier II -We want you to report any of your subcontractor (Tier II) spend with minority, women, and veteran owned businesses, so we know you use diverse suppliers and we can appropriately acknowledge those vendors.
Initiatives, Events, and Resources
The event is a great opportunity for diverse vendors to network and share product and service information. Representatives from Ball State will be available, as will other partners.
Each Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. we host a diversity chat Zoom call that covers a variety of topics from guest speakers and allows abundant time for round table discussions, so you can ask any questions or talk about anything you choose. Most calls also host guests from purchasing departments from the other seven state universities and other organizations and agencies. Please email
Roger Hassenzahl, Director of Purchasing Services to receive an invitation to join!
Click here to access search tool
Since the 1920's,
NAEP has been the non-profit professional Association primarily dedicated to serving higher education purchasing officers in the U.S. and Canada. NAEP's mission is to facilitate the development, exchange and practice of effective and ethical procurement principles and techniques within higher education and associated communities, through continuing education, networking, public information and advocacy.
At Ball State, we celebrate inclusive excellence as part of our community and culture.
Inclusive Excellence is designed to help colleges and universities integrate diversity, equity, and educational quality efforts into their missions and institutional operations.
Destination 2040: Our Flight Path establishes Ball State University's ambitious goals for our second century. This plan was designed with input from faculty, staff, students, alumni, community partners, and benefactors. It provides a strategic framework with five long-term goals for 2040 and a small set of strategic imperatives to be executed by 2024.
Registration opening soon.