What is EduRisk?
EduRisk is an online course that prepares students for the unique challenges and responsibilities of college life. Focusing on minimizing risks associated with alcohol, drugs, sexual violence,and COVID-19 safety. EduRisk takes a harm-reduction approach that resonates with students and results in a healthy campus culture.
Do I have to complete EduRisk from an on-campus computer?
No. Because the course is available online, you can use any available computer with Internet access to complete the program.
When will I take EduRisk?
Prior to the beginning of fall semester, you will receive an official Ball State email with instructions about how to complete the program. This will need to be completed prior to the beginning of classes.
Why am I being asked to take this course?
Ball State recognizes that there is a responsibility in being part of a community. By taking EduRisk, you will be better informed to make appropriate decisions not just for yourself, but for those around you. Living in a healthy community will create an environment that will help you reach your personal and professional goals.
Who should complete EduRisk?
Every new, incoming student will complete the EduRisk program.
Do I have to do take the course?
Yes, you do. Ball State is committed to teaching you safe behaviors and techniques—such as low-risk alcohol use and bystander intervention—to reduce the chance of harm to you and your fellow classmates. All incoming Ball State students are expected to complete this course.
If I don't drink, do I still have to complete EduRisk?
Yes. Whether you drink or not, you will very likely encounter other students who drink or talk about drinking while at Ball State. The course provides information about coping with others' drinking behavior as well as responding effectively in situations where others are at risk of alcohol-related harm (e.g. alcohol poisoning, drinking and driving). EduRisk provides personalized pathways through the course based on what students already know about alcohol, whether and/or how much they drink. If you do not drink, the material you receive will provide specific information tailored to you.
Where should I go if I am concerned about a possible drinking problem for myself or a friend?
Students can go to the Counseling Center, which is located on the third floor of Lucina Hall. Students receive 12 free sessions per academic year. To schedule an appointment, call 765-285-1736.
How long does it take to complete EduRisk?
The module time frames vary, but the entire program will take about two hours to complete. You can log in and out should you need to break up the sessions.
Do students receive college credit for EduRisk?
No. Although all incoming students are expected to complete EduRisk, the course and course grade will not be included in transcripts and does not meet any graduation requirements.
What if I took a similar course in high school, do I still need to take this one in college?
Yes. This college course will likely have a different focus than your high school course. EduRisk for college students will likely have more information about safety, protective behaviors, and transitioning to the college environment.
Are my answers to questions confidential?
Yes, the responses to questions in the program are confidential. No one will ever be able to connect you with your responses. Ball State University will receive only a notice that you have completed the course.
Where can I go for more information about alcohol programs at Ball State?
For more information about alcohol and other drug programs, Health Promotion and Advocacy offers a range of services including the Condom Shoppe, HIV testing, individual and group consultations, classroom presentations and outreach programming related to the Nine Dimensions of Wellness."
Where can I go on campus for more information about services for victims of sexual assault?
The Center for Survivor Support provides a range of resources offered online and in-person that address rape, sexual harassment, stalking, and relationship violence. Related programs are frequently held in residence halls, classrooms, and for student organizations. Self-defense classes are regularly offered through the University Police Department.