University Banquet and Catering is available for events in the L. A. Pittenger Student Center serving from two people to 1,200. All events are on a custom-planned catered basis and include the same broad variety of food services and event themes as offered in Ball State's residence hall dining locations. Space availability is somewhat restricted during the summer due to previous bookings, but some dates remain open. Our staff will also suggest other campus locations for banquets, fine dining, themed meals, buffet-style dining, outdoor meals, and other services that you may wish to include as a part of your total conference needs. The cost of these services varies widely depending upon the menu and level of service desired.

All campus dining facilities are air conditioned, attractively furnished and decorated, and within close proximity of most other campus facilities, making additional shuttle bus transportation unnecessary, thus saving you additional expense and loss of program time.

For more information on banquet and catering services, please contact University Dining and Conference Services at 765-285-1967. We look forward to serving your conference needs.